Harris Teeter Together In Education
Link your Harris Teeter card to Cabarrus Tech and start earning money for the school while you shop Aug 1 - May 1. Cards must be re-linked every Aug 1st.
Here's How:
1. Link your Vic card at the store, online or by calling 1-800-432-6111 option 2. Cabarrus Tech Code: 4248
2. Email CobraNationPTSO@gmail.com the following information and we will take care of it for you.
Officers 2023-2024
President: | Jacqueline Reynolds | moefin@hotmail.com |
Vice President: | Tabitha Wesley | tabithawesley@yahoo.com |
Secretary: | Leeanne Brown | taterbrown@gmail.com |
Treasurer: | Kellie Dye | kelliedye84@gmail.com |
Past President: | Bobby Jones | bobbyjones@affinitybenefitsgroup.com |
Fundraising Chair: | Amy Evans | uagirl@gmail.com |